Ministry Campaign


Saturday - 5:00PM Worship Sunday - 8:30AM Worship 9:30AM Sunday School 10:45AM Worship

Tell the next Generation - Ministry Expansion Campaign 

Commitments to Date:  $1,019,994

Cash Received:  $800,496

Learn About the Campaign - click to view the presentation. 

  Forum presentation

DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST, Zion Lutheran Church has been “Living the Faith” in the Bismarck/Mandan community for over a hundred years. By God’s grace, our Lord has called us through the waters of Holy Baptism, forgiven us through His Word and Supper, and has called us to live our faith everyday of our life. Through this campaign, we are Honoring the Past while Preparing for the Future with a focus on God’s words in Psalm 78:4; “Tell to the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.”

The ministry at Zion has been blessed by God throughout the years. Our desire is to rejoice over the blessing that God has given us in the past and position Zion for continued outreaching ministry in the future. For this reason, we have decided to embark on a ministry campaign to improve our facilities and eliminate our debt. In doing so it will enable us to look more intentionally into the future and work at:

1.  Increasing worship attendance

2.  Increasing Bible study opportunities

3.  Increasing opportunities to be involved in outreach ministries both locally and internationally such as Mexico mission trips

4.  Expanding ministry opportunities with additional staff as we prepare for a new generation of pastoral staff  

PRAY ABOUT THIS CAMPAIGN. Pray that God uses us to strengthen His Kingdom and reach more people with His incredible love. Ask God to use the spiritual gifts He has given you to partner with Him on this journey. God willing, we can reach the hearts of all families by building relationships with them and partnering with them!  

 In Christ, Pastor Thomas R. Marcis Jr.

  April Update
  December Campaign Update
  November Campaign Update
  October Campaign update
  September Campaign Update
  View Campaign Booklet
  Ask a campaign question

Prayer Requests

We are here to pray for you.  Please submit your request here.

  Prayer Request

Our Projects:

HVAC System Upgrades    $   442,000

Parking Lot Upgrades         $   363,000

Mortgage Payoff                   $   470,000

Total Goal                                $1,275,000

Pray for how you can support this goal!